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You can watch the HBO program on elite gymnastics with Bryant Gumbel, Dominique Moceanu, Chellsie Memmel, Jennifer Sey online: [youtube]jxc_sQTq5j4[/youtube] [youtube]x3Ax4HVY2Q4&[/youtube]
Views 19216
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2011 Visa Championships podium training photos: Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More Highlights: Rebecca Bross on Beam: Go To Post
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You can watch the 2011 Visa Championships live on and on tv too: Online: Aug. 18 7:30 p.m. ET Around the Gym pre-show 8 p.m. ET Women's Competition - Day 1 10 p.m. ET Around the Gym post-show Go To Post
Views 10544
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The 2011 Nastia Liukin Supergirl Cup is on TV this Friday March 4 - don't miss out on this cool new gymnastics competition - and it's on TV! (Eastern Times) 2011 Nastia Liukin Supergirl Cup: Friday, March 4, 2011 7-9 p.m. - Universal
Views 6709
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Originally Posted by meganclarke View Post The Gym Chat Forum has a thread on this topic with links to the Nick Checker situation: A coach that doesn’t want parents to watch?! From the site, A coach Nick Checker (Nick Checker, Nicholas P. Checker, Nicholas Checker) resigned his position afte
Views 8585
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[FONT="Arial Narrow"][FONT="Verdana"][FONT="Arial"][FONT="Tahoma"]Originally Posted by meganclarke The Gym Chat Forum has a thread on this topic with links to the Nick Checker situation: A coach that doesn’t want parents to watch?! From the site, A coach Nick Check
Views 23385
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Views 52727
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Unfortunately, coaches misconduct does happen, in any sport, not just gymnastics. There is another story out today about a coach sexually abusing a gymnast and telling her to use cocaine to lose weight at a well-known gym club WOGA in Texas, not by the owners, by someone they have hired. Parents should really watch practices now and then as much as possible and be involved! The story on the WOG
Views 52727
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If you scroll down the Gym Chat News page, there's another article on this with more info, the direct link is
Views 52727
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The gymnasts can tell the difference between the correct coach spot and an inappropriate one. Best to listen to the kids also!
Views 52727
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You can watch the 2010 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships in Rotterdam, Netherlands on TV, on the Universal Sports channel and NBC Sports. No more free live web cast & video streaming online from Universal Sports, but they are offering it for a discounted price of $9.99 with coupon code USAGYMFAN. Can you imagine if fans had to pay to watch the superbowl or baseball playoffs, or the Olympics?
Views 10990
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Just some questions which have arisen. Note: not intended to defame, slander, or libel. Just a few questions. . . The Gym Chat Forum has a thread on this topic with links to the Nick Checker situation: A coach that doesn’t want parents to watch?!From the site, A coach Go To Post
Views 5020
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[QUOTE=fliptwist;133910]The story is from over 3 years ago. It's still an issue? I agree wiith letting parents watch. IMO it is not a good enough reason to say that the kids will get distracted - they should be taught not to get distracted and focus. They need the same skill during competition the most, especially when there isn't a coach ready to spot/catch any mistake right next to them.[/
Views 23385
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[QUOTE=fliptwist;133910]The story is from over 3 years ago. It's still an issue? I agree wiith letting parents watch. IMO it is not a good enough reason to say that the kids will get distracted - they should be taught not to get distracted and focus. They need the same skill during competition the most, especially when there isn't a coach ready to spot/catch any mistake right next to them.[/
Views 23385
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[QUOTE=wowgym;36160]A coach that doesn't want the parents to watch - that's a huge red flag!![/QUOTE] Big time! :o
Views 23385
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I found this on how to edit music for your gymnastics floor music on wikiHow: How to Edit Music for a Gymnastics Floor Routine Tired of hearing your child's optional-level floor routine music being used by half the other girls at the meets? You can create your own! With a few simple computer tools, practice using the software, and the time to edit it to p
Views 5668
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The coach who does videos. Wisp is the name of his new one. He puts them on public access. He supposedly teaches how to write and get into movies on public access and self publishing. :lol: :roll: [FONT="Tahoma"]Originally Posted by meganclarke The Gym Chat Forum has a thread on this topic with links to the Nick
Views 23385
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[QUOTE=paksalto;35973]a coach that doesn't want the parents to watch and actually blocks the path with a mat...scary! not the gym for me! it could be innocent, but still, that is really unsafe. why can't the parents just not "distract" the kids - and what about at competition - they don't get distracted there?! what do they do at competitions? or if they don'
Views 23385
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:shock:[QUOTE=meganclarke;269328]The Gym Chat Forum has a thread on this topic with links to the Nick Checker situation: A coach that doesn’t want parents to watch?!From the site, A coach Nick Checker (Nicholas Checker) resigned
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"Montville To Hire New Gymnastics Teacher" - The commissioners for the gymnastics program in Montville Parks and Recreation cancelled coach Nick Checker's rul
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