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2007 American Cup Videos!!
YouTube links: Elsa Garcia-American Cup 2007 Beam [youtube]w3w-_u2oheY[/youtube] Jose is her coach, who 'stays out of her face' and read 60 pgs of a book during prelims (this is the NBC broadcast actually) -her coach is kind of like Arkayev - Elena Produnova's coach - he would kind of stay out of her way too and give her space 2007 American Cup Finals Elsa Garcia Floor [youtube]_J5xDR_zs_E[/youtube] NBC broadcast Elsa comes to US for good equipment access besides competition experience - does great at this competition! Elsa Garcia FX in 2007 American Cup Prelim [youtube]Vm3_oxz9UH0[/youtube] Elsa Garcia BB in 2007 American Cup Prelim [youtube]6UBjIRkSGxY[/youtube] Shawn Johnson - 2007 American Cup Fluff [youtube]KB9ys4PLq-w[/youtube] this was broadcast on NBC - building her up as the next star gymnast it looks like! Shawn goes to real school - likes the social life she gets from it coaches seem real nice! (you really can believe her coach when he says she's like his daughter) so does Shawn - really open, someone you could be friends with fluff fluff fluff - well, good fluff lol it is interesting Shawn Johnson 2007 American Cup Uneven Bars [youtube]qvcyJFN44wg[/youtube] NBC broadcast awesome! her overshoot is soo fast! Shawn Johnson - 2007 American Cup Balance Beam [youtube]74szwdnhjBg[/youtube] her back full looks pretty (Natasha Kelley's seemed kind of sloppy) she messed up on one of her series and falls off the beam - .8 deduction in new code of points, used to be .5 off - bigger deduction as Bart Conner notes - but with the new code of points it's easier for her to catch up - Elfie says 'got to be kidding' - hey it's 4 inches of beam, it can happen! American Cup 2007 Shawn Johnson Floor exercise [youtube]NTns4gLcVC0[/youtube] talk about power!! nice music mix Shawn Johnson Vault 2007 American Cup [youtube]fAxW9JKq--g[/youtube]
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Daria Joura 2007 American Cup FX [youtube]79AOmElT0W4[/youtube] the Daria w/o the 'wardrobe malfunction' from Siberia to Australia Daria Zgoba FX 2007 American Cup Final [youtube]WQ3XaCntU4g[/youtube] yes, the 'wardrobe malfunction' shows here too, even with the internet graininess - let the girl gymnasts compete in shorts too! the bike shorts kind are good - seems like most elite practice in them anyways seems like her leotard was wrong fit Bart Conner and Elfi talked a lot about her using gauze and chalk for home-made grips b/c of lack of resources, but not about the wardrobe malfunction of course, does seem inappropriate to there...but how about bringing up changing the rule to bike shorts allowed in competition?! ...it's like, what elephant?! here she is on bars: Daria Zgoba UB 2007 American Cup Final [youtube]D1ZDFz5v7cA[/youtube] has a couple of falls the Chinese also have tape grips some of them, same with Romanians, some don't use anything at all, just some sugar water chalk solution with no groups, like Russians, Romanians, and Chinese too... Daria Joura BB 2007 American Cup Final [youtube]ad0f3tKsBjQ[/youtube] Daria Joura - 2007 American Cup Finals Uneven Bars [youtube]iZtfqKim-Gw[/youtube] she does the comaneci release move! :D
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thanks for the links haley! and the interesting commentary too! :D yup, they are building up Shawn as the next big gymnast - who to look for in upcoming meets, kind of like they did for Dominique Moceanu - they're both upbeat, and Moceanu also did her hair in the ponytail too for competitions / practice when she was younger!
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if you missed the NBC Broadcast of the American Cup: video links to the broadcast: 2007 American Cup part 1 [youtube]DjLD-5Z274Y[/youtube] Shawn's coach is pacing and pacing - he looks more nervous than her - but the close-up of her face shows she is anxious yay, she does the comaneci she misses her handstand on the cast-handstand before her giants, dismount look at how marta is holding shawn's neck - yuck, the control hold, she's a girl not a bear ...how come they didn't mention she missed the handstand there? good transition from the low bar to the high bar - her swing / kip goes smooth (scores 9.55 on bars) video length: 08:52 2007 American Cup part 2 [youtube]g3CD7qnxWVA[/youtube] starts with Shawn's fluff piece - she goes to public school, interesting video length: 08:21 2007 American Cup part 3 [youtube]TrNl_BDu89o[/youtube] starts with Ukraine's Daria Zgoba on bars - homemade grips, gauze - that guy that isn't a gymnast that is with Bart Conner and Elfi that says 'how can that be?' shouldn't act so surprised - he was commenting with them before when the Chinese use tape or none at all, like the Russians, Romanians. -at least her leotard looks better here - not thong-like video length: 08:38 2007 American Cup part 4 [youtube]oc68NFi-ehk[/youtube] starts with Shawn's beam routine video length: 08:31 2007 American Cup part 5 [youtube]1aHJXACAmw0[/youtube] Nastia does interview there too - talks about recovery from ankle surgery calls Shawn: Shawny, says she's motivating, Shawn smiles so big! she's cute Nastia;s dad Valeri is there, holding the audio/video thing where u can get description from or something ...more beam routines video length: 09:19 2007 American Cup part 6 [youtube]9oKj7r36jew[/youtube] Ukraine's Daria's beam routine: talk about Daria not having equipment wardrobe malfunction on her leotard - her coaches really should care for her about this Alexander Artemev - p bars - has fall On Natasha Kelley on beam: Elfi: 'won't see much emotion from her' video length: 09:24 2007 American Cup part 7 [youtube]8B0oMhtWEZg[/youtube] starts with Jonathon Horton p-bars video length: 09:05 2007 American Cup part 8 [youtube]2G7dZOCRDZY[/youtube] starts with Australia's Daria floor routine video length: 06:15 2007 American Cup part 9 [youtube]usZyTNncLqQ[/youtube] video length: 09:52 2007 American Cup part 10 [youtube]GHOFkK1unac[/youtube] starts with Elsa Garcia of Mexico on floor routine, then Shawn's floor routine video length: 08:44 And there's the broadcast - with no commercials!
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cool! :D
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