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2008 Doha World Cup gymnastics videos
He Kexin UB in 2008 Doha World Cup EF [youtube]mpMrbdVDB5I[/youtube] Cool release move combination in the beginning, lots of pirouetting 16.55/7.5 Doha 08 F: Makoto Okigushi (JPN), Floor, 2nd [youtube]oLL_HbN2M68[/youtube]wow! Result: 15.775 2008 Doha World Cup Oksana Chosovitina_vt2 [youtube]6wlQY7dsjz4[/youtube] 2008 Doha World Cup Denglinlin_vt [youtube]lWLwBJ0FRwk[/youtube] 2008 Doha World Cup kim bui_ub [youtube]Gf_bguPfBsQ[/youtube] Transition mistake from shaposhanova to overshoot, and pirouette mistake, she does what looks like an inverse overshoot but not to handstand, nice dismount 2008 Doha World Cup Vaskliki Millousi_ub [youtube]NAA-kPWBTd4[/youtube] Deng Linlin VT1 in 2008 Doha World Cup EF [youtube]31Wl7Zb5QgM[/youtube] 14.775/5.80 2008 Doha World Cup Kristina Goryunova vt1 [youtube]7PKBaboJxeU[/youtube] 2008 Doha World Cup Aagie Vanwalleghem_ub.WMV [youtube]RquvOooB_8g[/youtube] Needs to hit handstands more, does that cool one leg cut over the bar move Courtney Kupets does a lot on uneven bars Anna Pavlova 2008 World Cup Doha Final UB [youtube]vZX9GXoKnR8[/youtube] Step out in double layout dismount - lon dismount mats are good! Elyse Hopfner Hibbs 2008 World Cup Doha Final UB [youtube]JDSRFAaCEAA[/youtube] Another cut over the bar release move, nice routine, hitting handstands, looks like her double layout dismount is too low, like 'chucked' it Elyse Hopfner Hibbs from Netherlands 2008 Doha World Cup Kristina Goryunova vt2.WMV [youtube]E3fJRnk4Z58[/youtube] cool vault 008 Doha World Cup Alyssa brown_vt2 [youtube]QOdoSWr_uno[/youtube] nice double pike vault Alyssa Borwn from Canada Jiang Yuyuan 2008 World Cup Doha Final UB [youtube]ZPxXWspx15k[/youtube] stuck double layout dismount
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Some more MAG videos from vrba21 (link posted at http://www.gymchat.com/messageboards/viewtopic.php?p=30094#30005) Doha 08 F: Daniel Keatings (GBR) Pommel, 3rd [youtube]iUWM0gR1P3E[/youtube] Result: 15.650 DOHA 08 F: Eleftherios Kosmidis (GRE), Floor, 1st [youtube]S7cnj5wQ0Xc[/youtube] Result: 15.850 Doha 08 F: Alkesander Balandin (RUS), Rings, 3rd [youtube]mHFsP9zkt8w[/youtube] Result: 16.125 Doha 08 F: Irodotos Georgallas (CPY), Rings, 2nd [youtube]ivdWrI7I6Ps[/youtube] Result: 16.250 Doha 08 F: Yuri Van Gelder (NED), Rings, 1st [youtube]jeePOwzXMg8[/youtube] Result: 16.650 Doha 08 F: Prashanth Sellathurai (AUS), Pommel, 1st [youtube]Gur2j5a_rB0[/youtube] Result: 16.075 Doha 08 F: Zhang Hongtao (CHN), Pommel, 2nd [youtube]nQZ17zkMdXw[/youtube] Result: 15.950
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