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Signing up on Gym Chat message boards - to post msgs./topics
Please make sure to add the email address [email]admin@gymchat.com[/email] to your 'allowed list' if you have a spam email filter such as earthlink that only accepts email from email addresses you have already approved. You will need to receive email from [email]admin@gymchat.com[/email] to activate your message board account yourself from the emailed link. If you have signed up for your Gym Chat gymnastics message board account and haven't received a confirmation email, please email us so that we can activate your account for you. To post new topics or relpy to messages, you will need to register for an account - it's free and easy! Just click the "Register" link at the top, above the "Login" link. Questions/Comments - feel free to contact us!
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If you forget your username or password, just click the "Login" link at the top, then under the login box click the "I forgot my password" link. Just input in your email address, and your username and temporary new password will be emailed to you. If you remember your username/password and used the forgot password tool, you can just ignore the email you receive - your password won't be reset to the temporary password until you click the new password activation link in the email (it says this in the email too). Some notes: you can use the same username / password or register different ones for the message boards / gym listings & ratings / classifieds - the registration username and password for the gymnast webs and club teams web is separate, but you can try to register the same username as your web at the message boards/listings/classifieds if you would like. :D
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If you have any problems registering on the message board (such as an error message that your email address is banned), just email us at [email]admin@gymchat.com[/email] with your error message and if you are under 13 years old or over 13 years old (so we can set the correct option in the registration form) - we will set an account up for you and then you can reset your username and password as you would like. Some email address urls (what comes after the @ part) which have been producing a lot of spam have been banned.
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Now you can upload your own avatar for your profile on your message boards account! Just click the "Profile" link at the top, scroll down to the avatars section - choose an avatar from the gallery or upload an avatar from your computer or from online.
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Now you can post attachments with your message! We currently have thes settings set to 3 attachments per post, each can be up to 256 kb. Any questions/comments please contact us!
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