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Buster Posey breaks ankle and tears ligaments in home plate collision with Marlins
Giants Buster Posey is out for a lot or the rest of the season after Marlins Scott Cousins of Floria Marlins brutally head-butts in the football fashion and collides with Posey, on Wednesday night. Giants manager Bruce Bochy, a former catcher calls for a rule change. [QUOTE]“Here’s a guy that’s very popular in baseball,” Bochy told reporters before Thursday’s game. “Fans want to see him play. Now, he’s out for a while. I’d like to see maybe something considered here where we can protect these guys a little bit more. They just don’t have the protection to take a guy coming in full speed, with that kind of force.” Bochy said he had spoken with Posey about the dangers of blocking the plate. But he added that Posey was actually in front of the plate as he tried to corral a throw from right field in the 12th inning. With Cousins bearing down, Posey did not have time to set his body, and his legs were caught beneath him.[/QUOTE] Cousins defends his charge, even though watching the replay "makes my stomach turn”: [QUOTE]“If I saw a clean lane to slide, that’s the play I’m making,” Cousins said. “I have speed and like to believe I’m going to beat the ball. But there was no chance on that play. It was a game-changing play in extra innings, and I had to play as hard as I could.”[/QUOTE] Devastating Injury for Giants' Posey - NYTimes.com In high school and college baseball, if the runner is deemed by the umpire to be to aggressive in the slide, he can be taken out of the game.
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